Megabot Madball Challenge
My entry for the RoboRave international competition on the Sunshine Coast. A robot which locates tennis balls and transports them to a bucket.
MicroPython Quadruped
A small project developing a dynamic gait model for a low cost quadruped robot.
Maze Solving Robot
A group project which involved moving a marked puck through a maze using a robotic arm and computer vision.
Self Driving Model Car
A self driving car following a coloured track using classical computer vision.
Messenger Basketball Playing Robot
A computer vision project built to beat my friends in the Facebook Messenger basketball minigame.
Low Cost Distance Scanner
My first attempt at a basic simultaneous location and mapping robot.
FlappyArm - Crowd Controlled Robotic Arm
A 'crowd controlled robotic arm' in which people have to work together to control 1 degree of freedom of a 6DOF robotic arm.
Model Black Box Retrieval Craft
A basic search and retrival craft made for a first year compulsory course at UQ.